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A 3-part docuseries on how you can create a thriving career by turning your mess into your message.

Align your career with your soul’s purpose

Do you feel a deep longing for a career that aligns with your true purpose and lights you up?

Are you stuck in a job that drains your energy and leaves you dreading each new day?

Episode 2 Breakdown:

It's time for a REVOLUTION in your life. Time to reclaim your energy and embrace a life that excites you!

The world is waking up to the fact that our current way of working just isn’t cutting it anymore. But let’s be real – change can be intimidating.

This 3-part docuseries will help you gain the clarity and confidence you need to make powerful, aligned moves. Whether that means quitting your job to find something new, launching your dream business, or transforming your current role into something that truly supports you – this series has got your back.

Remember, the world needs your unique gifts, and you deserve a life that thrills and expands your soul.

You’re likely to spend about 90,000 hours of your life working. That’s a huge chunk of your time. Why not make it meaningful and joy-filled?

Sahara shares different ways you can monetize your skills and gifts, providing you with a logical, step-by-step process to turn your passions into profit. She breaks down the methods she has successfully used and offers actionable advice on how to identify your unique strengths and market them effectively.

Once you watch this, you’ll gain the confidence and clarity needed to pursue your passions and never have to worry about how to monetize your gifts again. Sahara’s insights will empower you to take control of your career and create a life where your work is not only fulfilling but also financially rewarding.

Episode 3 Breakdown:

In this final episode, Sahara discusses pivotal insights that support you in stepping into your dharma, highlighting why now is the perfect time to do so. She delves into the massive awakening occurring globally post-COVID, guiding you through the possibilities emerging from the collective's dark night of the soul. As a new era begins, impacting careers and lifestyles, learn how you can become a pioneer at the forefront of this transformative paradigm.

Episode 1 Breakdown:

Join Sahara Rose as she guides you through her journey from working in an ad agency to becoming a full-time podcaster, author, coach, and founder. Learn how she made the courageous leap into a life that aligns with her true purpose and passion, and how you can do the same. In this transformative experience, Sahara shares her strategies and insights for embracing your authentic self, leveraging your unique gifts, and creating a career that not only fulfills you but also rewards you handsomely. Whether you're looking to make a complete career change or simply want to infuse more purpose into your current path, this video will illuminate the way.

Watch episode 1

Meet Sahara Rose

Sahara Rose has been called “a leading voice in the millennial generation” by Deepak Chopra, who has written the forewords of her three books. She is the co-founder and visionary of Dharma Coaching Institute, host of the #1 spirituality podcast in the US, Highest Self, best-selling author, keynote speaker, international DJ, and visionary leader. Sahara has built her career by turning her mess into her message, and in this series, she shares how the awareness of turning her pain into her purpose allowed her to be awake within the dream and transmute her challenges into the catalyst for her most expressed, liberated, and abundant self yet.

Ready to Align your career with your soul’s purpose?

Watch episode 1

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