



Highest Self Institute Presents:
The World's First Soul Purpose Coaching Certification

Align With Your Soul’s Unique Purpose & Build A Thriving, Heart-Centered Coaching Business That Honors Your Truth

Learn from the most sought-after spiritual teachers and access their exact tools and formulas for building a life filled with income and impact

A 6-month program from September 23rd 2024 to March 12th, 2025

You Have An Innate Gift For Supporting and Seeing Others. Here’s How To Make It Your Career.

You can feel in your bones you’re here to make an impact through sharing your voice, uplifting and inspiring others and even creating a movement.

But still… something inside of you has kept you feeling stuck and playing small.

Do you feel pulled to share your voice, gifts, & message with the world, but aren’t confident in your skills or what you have to say?

Does any of this sound familiar?

It’s no secret that spiritual, creative and heart-centered souls like you have always struggled bridging the gap between embracing their true essence… and creating an abundant life & career they love.


Perhaps you feel called to go “all in” and finally quit your 9-5 job to embark on a new, fulfilling career path as a coach... but you're afraid you won’t make it on your own.

Maybe you’re tired of feeling burnt-out & unfulfilled in your current career and are looking to do something fun, inspiring, and heart-centered… that truly makes an impact and allows you to use your gifts for good.

Or maybe you feel ready to take the leap and step fully into your purpose so you can create a life filled with ease, abundance and joy... but you’re confused about where to begin, or what to focus on.

If this is you, you’re in the right place.

Let’s be real:
You're already coaching everyone around you (you just aren’t paid
for it yet.)

People naturally open up to you with their problems and come to you seeking advice. And you LOVE giving it.

But you just don’t know how it could ever turn into a profitable career.

You may not share this openly with others, but you can feel it in your gut that you were born on this planet for a purpose to share your message and support others in a bigger way.

You see yourself one day writing a book, speaking on stages, creating a movement, empowering tens of thousands of people.

You know the obstacles that you’ve overcome weren’t coincidental but rather for a reason – so you can share the lessons you’ve learned through them with others.

But right now it all feels so far away and you feel overwhelmed not knowing where to start.

It’s like your heart is screaming at you “You’re here to make a difference!” but your mind is yelling “But I don’t know how?!” (Keep reading if this is you!)

  • If you know that you’ve been playing small, hiding your gifts and second-guessing your natural born-talents because you have been confused on how to best channel them...

  • If you can feel deep in your soul you are ready to play big, share your voice and make an impact...

  • If you’re tired of waiting another year to finally step into your purpose and know that now is the time - even if you don’t feel totally ready...

  • If you feel inspired by other thought-leaders and deep down inside you know you have what it takes, though it still feels so overwhelming...

  • If you’re ready to get out of lack consciousness and step into the true abundance that you know you’re worth and capable of...

If you’re nodding along, this is for you.


Soul Purpose Coaches Are The Wayshowers of the New Era, Guiding The New Paradigm

If you ask most people what age we are in, they would say “The Information Age.” However, we are no longer in this age. And not enough people are talking about this shift.

You see, for thousands of years we were in the Agrarian Age, where success meant owning land, hence the “landlord.” Most people were farmers and those who adapted to machines were able to produce more.

In the 19th century, we moved into the Industrial Age, where success meant owning factories. To rise up in factory jobs, people seeked education to become managers.

In the 20th century, we moved into the Information Age, where success meant having an education. Going to university and climbing the corporate ladder became the “key” to success.

However, we are no longer in that age.

Research shows that in the 21st century we moved into the Conceptual Age. And because most people don’t even know about this shift, they’re still operating from an Information Age perspective.

Because of the internet, we are inundated with information. Now, success comes in how you conceptualize, synthesize and share this information.

It’s about your creativity, insight and ideas. Your unique way of seeing the world and expressing it with others is your key to success.


And this is why Soul Purpose Coaching is the ultimate career in the Conceptual Age.

As coaches, we help people make sense of the information they’re flooded with.

We connect them back to their intuitions and inner knowing.

We are powerful mirrors to their truth.

Our value is in the insights we share with others.

Our only true job requirement is self-awareness and growth. The more we know ourselves, the more we can help others.

And this is why the coaching field is still so new. Most people are still stuck in the Information Age’s way of thinking, believing they need to cling onto their 9-5 to be successful.

But that era is done.

This is your moment to create a thriving career sharing your wisdom so you can gain the confidence by sharing this new way of being with others.

And likely, you’re already a part of this shift. You are spiritually connected and can see this new paradigm emerge.

It’s time for you to now become an official part of it.


Those who adapt quicker to this new Conceptual era will be the wayshowers of the new paradigm.

Discover a clear path to living a life that is in alignment with your truth while creating abundance and impact.

Receive the guidance you need to actually turn your gifts into a career so you can hit the ground running (and dancing) this year.

By beginning your career as a Certified Soul Purpose (Dharma) Coach, you will gain the experience, wisdom and stories you’ll one day share with others:

  • You'll develop your methodology to share on stages

  • You'll have success stories you write about in your book

  • You'll become a more confident speaker, teacher, healer and leader

Many of the thought-leaders you look up to started their careers as coaches.

It gave them the skillset they then developed into books, courses, products, etc

This is the ultimate way to get started.
There is no barrier to entry and it’s something you can learn and become certified in within the next 6 months.

Soul Purpose Coaching is the ideal launching pad for your writing/ speaking career because it helps you first embody what you teach.

And here at Highest Self Institute, we provide a proven pathway, loving guidance, supportive structure and a nurturing community to guide you along the way.

The word “dharma” means your “soul’s purpose, the big reason why you are here” in Sanskrit and this is exactly what we help you discover, embody and share with others.

Our mission at Highest Self Institute is to empower thought-leaders of the next generation.

We need other healers, teachers, leaders in their own domain sharing their unique experiences with the people who need to hear it exactly from them.

Every single person is going to inspire, uplift and lead in their own unique way.

We estimate that each person has at least 100,000 people who will deeply resonate with their specific voice.

For us to raise the vibration of the planet, we need to uplift as many diverse voices as possible so every demographic is supported.

And this is why we invest in coaching other coaches, who will be able to support the people only they can.

By you not living your purpose, the world misses out on a very specific vibration only you carry.

Your very story of how you were able to overcome obstacles is what you will share with others. And we will support you in the how.


In an ever-changing world with unpredictable seasons, take your power back as the thought-leader you're here to be

You’ll be amongst the first ever generation of Soul Purpose (Dharma) Coaches leading the way. This opportunity is like becoming a Health Coach in the early 90’s! People will one day ask you what it was like to be amongst the first of this global movement.

If you’ve always felt like you’ve missed the boat on big movements and have been looking for your niche to tie together all your different life experiences, this is your opportunity to become part of this one.

The potential of how you can share this work is endless – from retreats, to school systems, to seminars. It just takes getting started!

Highest Self Institute is the only school in the world that trains Soul Purpose (Dharma) Coaches, therefore you will have an education that stands out and is unlike anywhere else.

The time is now to take your power back and live in alignment with your purpose while showing others that they can do the same as a Certified Soul Purpose (Dharma) Coach.

You may have seen the countless layoffs happening, and even the highest number of people resigning from their jobs in the last couple of years.

Investing in yourself is your best asset during this time. You have a unique and rare skill set that is indispensable and it’s time to finally do something about it.

Soul Purpose Coaches are highly in-demand to help guide others to align with their callings and turn it into their careers in this pivotal time. As people continue to resign from their jobs or get laid off, more and more will need guidance on understanding who they are and how to translate that into their lives.

Beyond individual coaching, companies are hiring thousands of coaches to help their employees align with their purposes within the organization, which will lead to higher employee retention and satisfaction.

You can create thriving careers both as an entrepreneurial coach or being hired by a company sharing your gifts. We’ve had many students create 6-figure incomes doing both!


Here’s How Life Will Look Like Once You Start Serving Others At The Highest Level & Create Extraordinary Abundance At The Same Time

Once you’re fully aligned with your purpose, you begin to experience effortless success & happiness.

  • Joy, purpose, and passion become your default state as you live each day while fulfilling your true potential, leading with your heart, and embracing your natural gifts.

  • Abundance & extraordinary success become the new “norm” for you without feeling like you’re “working hard” or “punching the clock.”

  • Creativity bursts out of you effortlessly, and you begin easily tapping into innovative transformational ideas and strategies for success.

  • You’re naturally guided by your inner wisdom, allowing you to easily recognize & make the right decisions that lead you to your goals and dreams.

  • Aligned & supportive relationships appear in your life, friendships, clients, business partners, and mentors that can help you rise in all aspects of your life and work.

  • Your income grows beyond your wildest dreams with ease as you receive value based on your true gifts and passions.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Are you ready to finally align with your purpose, launch a soul-based coaching business, and step into the life you know you’re meant to live?

Who knows – one day you’ll even be telling people about how you almost didn’t become a coach because you believed you weren’t talented/ young/ old/ etc enough — and how grateful you are you didn’t listen to that voice of fear and instead listened to your intuition.


Introducing The World's First Soul Purpose (Dharma) Coaching Certification. 

Highest Self Institute is a 6-month coaching certification program designed to help you apply your natural gifts to launch a high-income, high-impact career & business while serving others at the highest levels.

Our certification awards you with 40 Continuous Coach Education (CCE) units by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), which is the gold standard for coaching. This lets people know your coaching education is of the highest caliber and backed by a third party source.

You can also apply these credits towards your training as being an ICF Professional Coach.

Become A Certified Soul Purpose (Dharma) Coach

With Highest Self Institute

Highest Self Institute Is Designed To Elevate You Into A Skilled, Confident, & Highly Rewarded Soul Purpose (Dharma) Coach


Here’s What’s Possible For You With Your Brand New Skills & Certification

Launch a Career That Fulfills Your Soul

Build Your Confidence & Authority As a Soul Purpose Coach

Discover How to Create Powerful Spiritual Breakthroughs

Create a Meaningful Income & Grow A Highly Successful Coaching Practice

Leverage Your Unique Strengths & Amplify Your Natural Gifts


Learn how to powerfully share your life experiences, lessons, and stories with your clients so you can lead impactful coaching sessions and build deep connections with your clients while utilizing your natural gifts.

Learn the key components of fierce & effective coaching, and master the art of confidently & powerfully creating transformational results for your clients, every single session.

Learn what it takes to integrate ancient wisdom with modern psychological and mindset strategies like an expert. Plus, discover the strong coaching principles you need to show up confidently and create lasting mental, emotional, & spiritual change for your clients.

Acquire the skillset, soulset, and mindset strategies you need to build a thriving, prosperous coaching practice from the ground up. Plus, discover how to effectively monetize your practice through 1-on-1 clients, group settings, social media, podcasting, and so much more. We believe it is possible for anyone to have 10k months – it just takes alignment and action!

Receive all the tools you need to develop deeply supportive self-care practices and rituals that let you create success and abundance with ease by embracing your natural gifts and traits in your coaching practice.

Their lives have transformed...

Is yours next?

“I've had more than 80h of coaching sessions and over 20 clients"

I took The Spiritual/Dharma Coaching Course in Spring 2023. I learned and experienced so much through the program and the community HSI provided! I felt supported through an intense awakening process of discovering my gifts and insecurities, and the multidimensional way of the universe. I learned the language of energetics on a deeper level.
I feel so empowered by the program with everything I need to live in dharma!

I have had more than 80h of coaching sessions and over 20 clients. I have organized a few women circles and my first Dharma Urban Retreat is coming up. I participated in two podcasts. I have published a kindle poetry E-book - Words of Awakening.

To any future student I would say, "Take a leap of faith - in yourself, in the world in your dharma!"

- Eleonora Avramova

“My first client offered upfront to pay me! It was for 100 USD for 50 mins sessions!”

I found this out by doing lots and lots of practice coaching hours as per the course requirement. I realised I truly loved it so much, and I had a natural flare for coaching and mentoring, specifically within astrology and human design.

My biggest takeaway was the high touch interaction we had with our coaches and fellow students. It really felt like a giant family, with members all over the world. My confidence grew so much in such a short period of time and I felt like I had the feedback from my peers to dive headfirst into building my own website from scratch and launching a business that I only had as a ‘maybe’ idea at the beginning of the course.

Since then I have successfully run womens circles, read hundreds of astrology and human design charts, consistently shown up on social media and had returning clients.

I have had steady increase of clients since I launched and my first offer made $300 aud. I have the mentality of “slow & steady side business” as a single mama of 2, doing all the work behind the scenes. I have found that it is steadily growing and progressing in a sustainable way!
I have amazing clients and testimonials that speak for themselves!

Overall I wouldn’t be where I was today without the gift that HSI gave me. I am much more confident and knowledgeable within my expertise and gained valuable life long skills within the coaching arena.

I loved the course and would highly recommend it to anyone! It’s high touch and a beautiful world wide, supportive community that continue to support each other 18months later! I love my HSI fam!

- Anna Willaton

“Now I name a price without hesitation and people pay me”

I did HSI back in March 2022. Biggest takeaways were that i can jazz up my coaching by introducing spiritual concepts and ideas. My most major breakthrough was that i can charge people and they pay me! I had never charged before. Now i name a price without hesitation and people say yes to me!

I recently signed up an executive based in Germany who approached me on Linked In. My first offer actually came to me and asked me for coaching and she offered upfront to pay me! It was for 100 USD for 50 mins sessions! My offers now are higher than that. For any potential students thinking of joining HSI I would say just get yourself on the course.

However signing up is the easy part, to get maximum value you have got to do the work, watch the modules, show up for the exciting calls, get your practice hours in, start with some free clients. Trust in yourself, do the work and leverage the awesome support of the community and your buddy!

- Steve McDougal

I'm interested!

Enroll now and get started with the Dharma Discovery Journey bonus course today.


We are so excited to welcome you to our Fall Class of 2024 and amongst the first ever pioneers of the Dharma Coaching movement!

You will instantly receive access to the Dharma Discovery Journey to begin diving into your own soul’s purpose today!

Schedule a no-pressure call.


Get your questions answered by Nata on our enrollment team!


We are here to answer any of your questions and explore the potentialities of becoming a Soul Purpose Coach.

Whether you’re curious about the curriculum or if Highest Self Institute is the right choice for you, this is a supportive and no-pressure space to explore the potentialities!

The Curriculum

We will spend 6 months together diving into the core foundations of what it takes to be a world-class, thriving Soul Purpose (Dharma) Coach.

By the end of this program, you’ll fully embody what it means to be a powerful conduit for others, build your successful career or business, & inspire your clients and community to do the same.

Here’s What You’ll Learn During Your Certification Journey:

Master The Fundamentals Of Coaching & The Dharma (Soul Purpose) Coaching Framework

Create a powerful foundation for your coaching practice as you discover exactly what it takes to effectively & fiercely coach others, support your clients, and build a powerful, long-term client relationship that will allow your business to flourish.

In month 1 you will:

Attune to the energy of being a coach and learn how to connect with your clients on a soul level to create a lasting 1:1 relationship

Lay the groundwork & build powerful coaching skills that will become the foundation for your coaching business

Learn our signature “Dharma Coaching Framework”: The 7 step process to help your clients discover their dharma

And so much more…

By the end of month 1

You will have built a strong foundation for your coaching business and have the knowledge it takes to create a powerful and transformational experience for your clients during your sessions together.

Coaching with the Dharma (Soul Purpose) Discovery Method

Start building on the basics! Now that you have a solid foundation for your coaching practice, it’s time to dive deeper into the Dharma Discovery Method to create a unique and one-of-a-kind experience for your clients.

In month 2, you’ll discover how to:

Align with the different Dharma Archetypes and dosha types so you can start tapping into your unique archetypes for business success

Uniquely approach the different types of dharma, as well as the different types of stages and paths towards living it

Understand your client’s emotional psychology and assist them in their healing journey

By the end of month 2

You’ll feel confident in coaching your clients with the Dharma Discovery Method and be able to lead them through unforgettable soul aligned coaching sessions that guide them towards their purpose.

Support & professionally manage your clients emotions

And so much more…

Plus, 3 coaching sessions to dive even deeper!

Living Your Dharma: Chakras, Embodiment and Crafting A Unique Dharma Blueprint

Explore how to powerfully coach your clients with the Dharma Chakra System and Blueprint while also applying the learnings to your own life.

In month 3, you’ll discover how to:

Use the Dharma Chakra System™ in a coaching session

Create a Dharma Blueprint ™ for yourself and your clients using 5 unique elements to start accessing your dharma

Guide your clients towards embodying their dharma by working with the Koshas, somatics, and movement in your coaching sessions

By the end of month 3

You’ll be ready to create a safe space for your clients to heal and transform and have the tools needed to support their growth journey.

Practice Dharma Embodiment and understand which type is best for you (& your clients)

Gracefully guide yourself and your clients future the obstacles that often keep people from their dharma

And so much more…

Intuition Training and Integrating Your Soul’s Purpose

Learn how to work with different human design types in your coaching practice so you can best serve a wide range of clients. You’ll practice leaning into your intuition and maintaining energetic hygiene so you can fully integrate and recharge after having transformational coaching sessions with your clients and doing deep inner work.

In month 4, you’ll discover how to:

By the end of month 4

You’ll feel equipped to use your gifts to support different human design types in your coaching practice and know how to create a safe container for your clients to embody their dharma.

Use your intuition as a powerful tool for coaching and practice energetic hygiene to create a safe space for yourself and your clients to do transformational work

Start asking your clients powerful questions and give them constructive feedback that leads to breakthroughs

And so much more…

The Business Of Coaching: Building With Sustainability and Integrity

Dive deep into the business of coaching and understand the exact system you need to build a sustainable coaching business, find your ideal customer, and your ideal niche.

In month 5, you’ll discover how to:

Identify your ideal clients and constantly attract them as your customers

Niche down to thrive as a coach

Challenge your clients and support them in taking powerful action for optimal growth

By the end of month 5

You’ll have full clarity of who you want to serve (your ideal clients), why you want to serve them, and how! This is by far the most important month where you will explore how you want to position yourself as a coach, and how you can take everything you’ve learned and apply it in your coaching sessions in your own unique way.

Build not just a sustainable coaching business, but a thriving & lucrative one that fulfills your vision

Craft your unique offer and sales pitch to begin growing your business

Plus… these bonus sessions!

  • Protecting Yourself as a Coach + Crafting Agreements with Legal Adviser Autumn Witt Boyd

  • Business Coaching Session on Structuring Your Business

And so much more…

Sharing Your Message With The World

Part 2 of the business of coaching where you’ll explore what it takes to create powerful sales pitches, enroll clients into your offer, create captivating content, and get noticed as a coach.

In month 6, you’ll discover how to:

Integrate everything you’ve learned over the past 5 months in your life & career

Powerfully share your offer with others in a way that helps you close your dream clients

Build content that aligns with your offerings and powerfully share your voice online

By the end of month 6

You’ll have everything you need to launch your lucrative coaching business. You’ll begin to take all of your knowledge and wisdom and apply it to your business so you can start inspiring your clients, sharing your message and creating the impact you were born to make.

Craft a captivating personal brand to get noticed and gain visibility so you can grow a thriving business

Apply all the coaching business elements in real time. Not just from a strategy perspective, but also the soul.

And so much more…

Plus… access these bonus workshops!

  • Creative Sales Conversations & the Secret to Propelling Your Brand Identity with Jennifer Kem

  • Rocking Your Most Authentic Self on Social + Beyond with Gala Darling

  • Creating Viral Video Content and Shining In Your Personal Brand with Sah D’Simone

I'm interested!

Enroll now and get started with the Dharma Discovery Journey bonus course today.


We are so excited to welcome you to our Fall Class of 2024 and amongst the first ever pioneers of the Dharma Coaching movement!

You will instantly receive access to the Dharma Discovery Journey to begin diving into your own soul’s purpose today!

Schedule a no-pressure call.


Get your questions answered by Nata on our enrollment team!


We are here to answer any of your questions and explore the potentialities of becoming a Soul Purpose Coach.

Whether you’re curious about the curriculum or if Highest Self Institute is the right choice for you, this is a supportive and no-pressure space to explore the potentialities!

See What's Possible


"Victoria transitioned from a corporate tax attorney to a Soul Purpose Coach and healer"

"After joining HSI, Rashida, a massage therapist and new mom, gained 10 new coaching clients before the program even ended."


"Sarah left her career in real estate to become a Dharma Coach."

Here’s how the program works:

Easy to follow, weekly in-depth trainings (60-120 minutes + optional bonus workshops)

Packed with high-level Dharma Coaching principles, tools, techniques, and insights you will use to confidently & successfully coach anyone, anywhere (even if you’ve never coached a single person in your life).

These are not cookie-cutter coaching tools but rather unique intellectual property created by Highest Self Institute you won’t find anywhere else, from the Dharma Chakra System to the Dharma Blueprint to Energetics of Making Offers to Structuring Your Coaching Sessions to Choosing Your Niche And beyond. This will set you off to be a unique and highly desirable coach with a fresh outlook and deep wisdom!


Weekly LIVE Q+A and Embodied Practice Calls (1 hour)

Get your questions answered and dive deeper into this week’s modules with live weekly calls led by Highest Self Institute founders Sahara Rose, Dr. Neeta Bhushan, and our Master Coach team.

You’ll be able to deepen your understanding of the tools and clear any roadblocks, keeping you inspired and on track. And don’t worry if you missed it, we have the replay available!

Weekly Experiential Practice Coaching Pods (1.5 hours + option to join more)

Immediately apply everything you learn in a safe and supportive environment with your small group and Master Coach. Sharpen your skills, grow your confidence, and get valuable feedback to help make sure you consistently grow and improve every single week in a contained environment. Every week you will practice coaching one-on-one with a new person in your breakout groups, then come together as a class to share your takeaways and findings.

This is one of the most transformative parts of the HSI experience because you’re actually practicing coaching each week with new people and gaining feedback so by the time you graduate, you’ll have 20+ hours of coaching (plus all the coaching you’ll do outside of the pods!) We have different time options to accommodate various time zones and schedules.

I'm interested!

Enroll now and get started with the Dharma Discovery Journey bonus course today.


We are so excited to welcome you to our Fall Class of 2024 and amongst the first ever pioneers of the Dharma Coaching movement!

You will instantly receive access to the Dharma Discovery Journey to begin diving into your own soul’s purpose today!

Schedule a no-pressure call.


Get your questions answered by Nata on our enrollment team!


We are here to answer any of your questions and explore the potentialities of becoming a Soul Purpose Coach.

Whether you’re curious about the curriculum or if Highest self institute is the right choice for you, this is a supportive and no-pressure space to explore the potentialities!

Enjoy a flexible and adaptable training timeline, perfect for even the busiest schedule

Total training time: If you desire to get the certification and participate in all the practice coaching opportunities, you will train for a total of 4 hours per week. You can spend as much or as little time learning as you want.

We have additional weekly practice coaching pod opportunities, bonus workshops and dozens of hours of live coaching available if you’d like to go deeper into it, plus a group of enthusiastic peers ready to practice coaching with you! You can also just stick to the curriculum and move at your own pace without practice coaching if it’s just for your educational enrichment.

You also get access to the entire training for two full years so you can revisit all of the powerful lessons!

Certification & Accreditation

Graduating from the Highest Self Institute, you receive a certification as a Certified Soul Purpose (Dharma) Coach. We are the only institute in the world that grants this and are the pioneers of Dharma Coaching worldwide, with the first and only curriculum designed to empower Dharma Coaches.

Our certification awards you with 40 Continuous Coach Education (CCE) units by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), which is the gold standard for coaching. This lets people know your coaching education is of the highest caliber and backed by a third party source.

You can also apply these credits towards your training as being an ICF Professional Coach.

Powered by CCE units by ICF


Join Now For These Exclusive Bonuses

Alumni Network

Join our Alumni Network that’s exclusive to graduates of this program.

Connect with other Certified Dharma Coaches from your current class and past classes as you build deep friendships and develop a priceless network of supportive peer coaches and entrepreneurs that provide constant accountability and support as you do the work to grow your business.

PLUS you will have complimentary access to be featured on our coaches directory for six months to really promote yourself and your coaching business.

After the six months concludes, you will have the opportunity to join the HSI Alumni Community, our exclusive membership community that only Certified Dharma Coaches have access to. 


(VALUE $2,999), now available as a bonus

Priceless Exposure & An Exclusive Feature Opportunity

As an official Highest self institute Graduate – you'll have the opportunity to be exclusively featured on the Highest Self Institute website directory for six months for free so those searching for a Certified Dharma can easily find you. Everyday, we receive messages from people looking for coaches and we send them right over to the directory, where you will have the opportunity to be featured…

Being a part of our cohort of graduates also gives you a potential coveted feature on our social media channels, email newsletters and even a shot on the Highest Self Podcast — overall, this gives you a massive reach to over 1 million+ potential clients around the world!


(VALUE $10,000), now available as a bonus

16 Special Guest Masterclasses

By Power-House Speakers To Help Your Coaching Business Soar


(Value: $295)

Creating Viral Video Content and Shining In Your Personal Brand
Sah D’Simone - Spiritual Revolutionary and Best-Selling Author

(Value: $295)

Rocking Your Most Authentic Self on Social + Beyond
Gala Darling – Self Love Coach

(Value: $295)

Utilizing Human Design In Your Soul Purpose Coaching Business
Erin Claire – Human Design Expert

(Value: $295)

Shadow Work for Coaches
Taylor Simpson - Mentor to Conscious Feminine Leaders

(Value: $295)

Cultivating Empathy + Listening Skills as a Coach
Rosie Acosta – Inspirational Speaker

(Value: $295)

Publicity As a Soul Purpose Coach
Selena Soo - Publicity and Marketing Strategist for Experts, Entrepreneurs, and Authors

(Value: $295)

Creative Sales Conversations + the Secret to Propelling Your Brand Identity
Jenn Kem – Strategic Brand Advisor to Modern Entrepreneurs

(Value: $295)

Feeling Comfortable Coaching Someone Through Trauma In a 1:1 and Group Facilitation Setting
Emile Steenveld - Emotional Intelligence Leadership Coach and Speaker

(Value: $295)

Protecting Yourself as a Coach + Crafting Agreements
Autumn Witt Boyd - Legal Adviser

(Value: $295)

Overcoming Money Mindset Blocks As A Coach
Emily Williams - Success Coach, CEO of I Heart My Life, Author, Speaker and Podcast Host

(Value: $295)

Cultivating Unapologetic Confidence With Your Clients
Vasavi Kumar - Licensed Therapist. Mindset Coach. Business Strategist.

(Value: $295)

Understanding the Nervous System
Jessica Maguire - Nervous System Expert

(Value: $295)

Guilt for Coaches
Hailey Magee - Coach and Writer on Setting Boundaries

And more…

(VALUE $4,720), now available as a bonus

Over 20 coaching session demos!

Witness Dharma Coaching in real time with our students so you can see the transformation happening and gain insight into the behind-the-scenes of a coaching session. You get to see a variety of styles, from Sahara’s more spiritual and pragmatic style, to Neeta’s nurturing and emotional psychology focused style. Rounded perspective of the different types of coaching so you can apply the takeaways in your sessions.


(VALUE $2,000), now available as a bonus

How to Launch a Podcast and Become a Podcast Superstar

Take your message to the masses through the ultimate art of podcasting. In these workshops, Sahara shares with you everything you need from tech to systems to get your podcast off the ground, to bringing onto the top of the iTunes charts. She also shares everything she’s learned as a top podcaster over the past 5+ years to have incredible interviews, impactful solocasts and create a name for herself as a podcaster.

You will learn why it can help your business to create a podcast and infuse the vibe that you want, everything you need to know before you begin, how to brainstorm your episodes, how to choose between solocasts or interviews, how to do the podcast accordingly, wow to choose the right topics, how to choose your guests and know what to ask and how to do coaching on your podcast.


(VALUE $2,000), now available as a bonus

How To Grow a Thriving Social Media Following + Done-For-You Graphics

Share your message with the masses through the underutilized art of social media. Sahara teaches you how to create a year’s worth of content in one day so you can spend more time coaching and less time posting. She teaches you the behind-the-scenes of how she schedules posts, creates Reels, her tips for going live.

On top of that, she has created over two month’s worth of done-for-you graphics and plug-and-play captions so you can start sharing your message on social media. She talks about how to apply social media to your niche so you are even growing your social media following full of prospective clients before you graduate!


(VALUE $1,500), now available as a bonus

The 21 Day Dharma Discovery Journey

Gain access to Sahara Rose’s flagship step-by-step program, designed to guide you into your dharma in just 21 days.

You’ll learn what to focus on, and where to direct your energy toward, so you can go from not knowing anything about your true purpose to having clarity on who you truly are, gaining insight into your gifts & tapping into the skills and the courage you need to take action and start living your purpose.


(VALUE $249), now available as a bonus

Becoming a Coach Tech Stack

We teach you the best places to design your website, plan your social calendar, send email newsletters, schedule with your clients, and launch a course. We have created a done-for-you tech stack with all of the tools you need to have an automated coaching practice with the best tools available.


(VALUE $500), now available as a bonus


I'm interested!

Enroll now and get started with the Dharma Discovery Journey bonus course today.


We are so excited to welcome you to our Fall Class of 2024 and amongst the first ever pioneers of the Dharma Coaching movement!

You will instantly receive access to the Dharma Discovery Journey to begin diving into your own soul’s purpose today!

Schedule a no-pressure call.


Get your questions answered by Nata on our enrollment team!


We are here to answer any of your questions and explore the potentialities of becoming a Soul Purpose Coach.

Whether you’re curious about the curriculum or if Highest Self Institute is the right choice for you, this is a supportive and no-pressure space to explore the potentialities!

Our Founders

Sahara Rose has been called “a leading voice of the millennial generation into the new paradigm” by Deepak Chopra, who wrote the foreword of her three books. She is the best-selling author of Discover Your Dharma: A Vedic Guide to Finding Your Purpose, which Highest Self Institute is originally based on, Eat Feel Fresh, and The Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda, as well as A Yogic Path Deck + Journal.

She is the host of the Highest Self Podcast, the #1 spirituality podcast on iTunes with over 30 million downloads and 7,000+ 5-star reviews. She is known for her powerful yet compassionate voice and ability to channel universal wisdom to the masses in an approachable way. She is also the founder of Rose Gold Goddesses, a sacred feminine mystery school.

A world-renowned expert in Dharma, Ayurveda, and spirituality, Sahara has devoted the last decade of her life and over 20,000 hours of tireless writing, speaking, and teaching to raise the vibration of the planet. She has empowered millions to discover their dharma so they can create conscious abundance, joy, freedom, and purpose in their lives and collectively raise the vibration of the planet.

Sahara has been featured on world-renowned media channels including the cover of Yoga Journal and within Forbes, Vogue, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and NBC. As a top-ranked speaker, she’s graced the stages of Google, Facebook, and major conferences. Sahara believes in making the spiritual journey fun and relatable, and she brings her humor, wisdom, and joy to Highest Self Institute.

Sahara Rose

Dr. Neeta Bhushan is a 5x Award Winning Author & world-renowned emotional health advocate & human connection expert. She’s written multiple best-selling books including her most recent book, That Sucked, Now What endorsed by Jay Shetty, Host of the Top 50 Mental Health Podcast The Brave Table, & CEO of Highest Self Institute. She’s been featured on Forbes, LA Weekly, ABC, NBC, CBS, Grazia, Ok! Magazine, Verve Magazine & Tatler.

After realizing how trapped she felt running the million-dollar dental practice she built, Neeta embarked on a journey that led her across 45 countries as she researched blending the intersection of human behavior, ancient wisdom, Eastern philosophy, and therapeutic psychology.

That knowledge, along with other life experiences overcoming multiple adversities, which include being orphaned at a young age, surviving an abusive marriage, and extensive loss, contributed to the powerful message of resilience & connection she shares in her work. Neeta is a mother of two young children, wellness junkie & lover of chai

Dr. Neeta Bhushan

Let’s Summarize

Here’s everything you’ll get with your Certified Dharma Coach Training:

The complete Certified Soul Purpose (Dharma) Coach Training Program: Six powerful, transformative and life-changing months catered to give you everything you need to become a thriving, impactful, & confident Soul Purpose (Dharma) Coach.

Weekly LIVE Q+A and Embodied Practice Coaching calls: Join deep-dive expert sessions with HSI founders Sahara Rose and Dr. Neeta Bhushan and Master Coaches as they answer your questions and bring you deeper into the week’s modules with immersive practices.

Weekly experiential coaching practice: Immediately apply everything you learn in a safe and supportive environment. Sharpen your skills, grow your confidence, and get valuable feedback to help make sure you consistently grow and improve every single week!

Master Coaches to support you throughout your journey: Discover the power of having supportive mentors walking by your side every step of the way and supporting your growth on your Dharma Coaching journey.

Certification from Highest Self Institute & 40 Continuous Coach Education (CCE) units from ICF as a Certified Soul Purpose Coach: 40 hours can be applied to the International Coaching Federation’s additional coaching requirements.


 BONUS #1 – Alumni Network
Join our Alumni Network that’s exclusive to graduates of this program. Connect with other Certified Dharma Coaches from your current class and Past classes as you build deep friendships and develop a priceless network of supportive peer coaches and entrepreneurs that provide constant accountability and support as you do the work to grow your business.
(VALUE $2,999 now available as a bonus)

BONUS #2 – Priceless Exposure & An Exclusive Feature
As an official Highest Self Institute Graduate – you’ll have the opportunity to be exclusively featured on the Highest Self Institute website directory for six months so those searching for a Certified Soul Purpose (Dharma) Coach can easily find you.
(VALUE $10,000+, now available as a bonus)

BONUS#3 – 16 Special Guest Masterclasses
By Power-House Speakers To Help Your Coaching Business Soar

(VALUE $4,720), now available as a bonus

BONUS #4 – Over 20 coaching session demos! 
Witness Dharma Coaching in real time with our students so you can see the transformation happening and gain insight into the behind-the-scenes of a coaching session. You get to see a variety of styles, from Sahara’s more spiritual and pragmatic style, to Neeta’s nurturing and emotional psychology focused style, as well as the personal styles of three of our Master Coaches. 
(VALUE $2000 now available as a bonus)

BONUS #5 – How to Launch a Podcast and Become a Podcast Superstar
Take your message to the masses through the ultimate art of podcasting. In these workshops, Sahara shares with you everything you need from tech to systems to get your podcast off the ground, to bringing onto the top of the iTunes charts. 
(VALUE $2000, now available as a bonus)

BONUS #6 – How To Grow a Thriving Social Media Following + Done-For-You Graphics
Sahara teaches you how to create a year’s worth of content in one day so you can spend more time coaching and less time posting. Learn the behind-the-scenes of how she schedules posts, creates Reels, and her tips for going live. On top of that, she has created over two month’s worth of done-for-you graphics and plug-and-play captions so you can start sharing your message on social media. 
(VALUE $1500, now available as a bonus)

BONUS #7 – The 21 Day Dharma Discovery Journey
Gain access to Sahara Rose’s flagship step-by-step program, designed to guide you into your dharma in just 21 days.
(VALUE $249, now available as a bonus)

BONUS #8 – Becoming a Coach Tech Stack:
A done-for-you tech stack with all the tools you need to have an automated coaching practice with the best tools out available.
(VALUE $500, now available as a bonus)

Total Value: $14,995
Total investment: starting from only $897

Enroll & Get Started Now:


6 payments of



Your Special Price:


Have further questions about becoming a Certified Dharma Coach?
Speak to an experienced consultant for free now!

Flexible Payments

Best Value

Your Special Price:

Value of


Yours at



+ more

We've made investing in this certification easier for you. We accept

Try The Training 100% Risk-Free

We believe in our products, mission and what we offer. We’ve designed the Dharma Coaching Certification so you are supported all the way to becoming a fully qualified, highly effective, and confident Dharma Coach, Soul Purpose Coach or Life Purpose Coach, even if you have never coached a single person before taking this program.

When you enroll, we offer a 15-day money back guarantee

(starting from the date the program begins).

All you have to do is send us an email: support@Highest Self Institute.com

With Our No Questions Asked 15-Day Money-Back Guarantee


It's time for you to create a career sharing your gifts and take the next step into your purpose.


For A Limited Time, Here Is Your Opportunity To Join Now Before Class Fills

This is our 8th program and we’ve nailed the curriculum and entire process to give you the highest level of results within our 6 months together.

We spend two full months diving deep into business and are continually adding content into our curriculum. For this reason, we will likely be raising the price next Cohort.

This is your last chance to access this program at this price before it goes up.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How is this program different from other coaching programs?

Q. How is this program different from other coaching programs?

Highest Self Institute was founded by master trainers Sahara Rose and Dr. Neeta Bhushan-Nawalkha, who have a combined experience of 50 years as world-class teachers and coaches. Most certificates out there are only taught by one teacher, whereas here you will have three extremely successful teachers who are masters in their field teaching you the very best of spiritual life-coaching, business training and psychology.

Imagine having the #1 spiritual podcast host + Deepak Chopra-endorsed best-selling author as your spiritual teacher, the former CEO of multimillion dollar company Mindvalley as your business coach and one of the most sought-after motivational speakers as your mindset coach. That’s what you’ll get at Highest Self Institute. You will automatically gain trust and recognition from being coached by these three individuals.

Sahara Rose, Dr. Neeta Bhushan, and Master Coaches will be on our live coaching calls with you, and you will also be learning from recorded trainings by Sahara, Dr. Neeta, and Ajit.

The Highest Self Institute syllabus has been personally designed by all three trainers and is based on their years of insider, high-level knowledge that have already empowered millions of people around the world to be successful coaches in various fields. So we are confident that the program can help anyone become an effective, confident Dharma Coach.

Q. What are the dates for the program?

Q. What are the dates for the program?

This is a 6-month program that takes place starting the week of September 23rd, 2024 to March 12th, 2025. Live calls start on Wednesday September 25th at 10AM PDT. Graduation requirements are due by March 28th, 2025.

Q. Can I do this if I live outside the United States?

Q. Can I do this if I live outside the United States?

Absolutely! You can join us from anywhere in the world and can apply our program’s teachings to clients in whatever country you’re in. We’ve had students from India, Germany, Netherlands, Peru, Guatemala, Australia, UK, France, South Africa and many other countries and have coaching pods at different time zones to cater our international community.

Q. When will the Weekly Live Calls and Coaching Practice Pods take place?

Q. When will the Weekly Live Calls and Coaching Practice Pods take place?

Weekly Live Q&A Call with Your Founders and/or Master Coaches:
Every Wednesday at 10 AM PDT / 1 PM EDT / 5 PM UTC, we will come together on a LIVE group coaching call to put into practice the tools and practices we just learned. Calls will be recorded and uploaded to your membership area in the respective week’s module.

You will have an opportunity to ask your questions about everything you are learning along the way and really get to embody your learning. You can submit your questions ahead of the call so that even if you miss them, you will find the answer in the replay.

Coaching Practice Pods lead by your Master Coaches:
You will have an additional opportunity each week to work with a smaller group so you can practice all your coaching skills and get further assistance in a more intimate space led by your Master Coach.

We have an international community, so we opened 2 different options for your small group calls, each one led by a Master Coach who will guide you! Feel free to attend more than one Coaching Practice Pod, but your graduation requirement is to attend at least 80% of the SAME class each week to get certified. Any additional classes you attend are a bonus.

Coach Jill's pod is on Wednesday (after our Q+A call) at 11am PDT.
Coach Abmari's pod is on Thursday at 2pm PDT.

Q. Are there any prerequisites or requirements to take the Dharma Coaching Certification program?

Q. Are there any prerequisites or requirements to take the Dharma Coaching Certification program?

Nope! All you need is a desire to learn, to be of service and to work with your gifts and skills to the best of your ability as you coach clients in discovering their own Dharma.

Q. What kind of support can I expect after graduating from the Highest Self Institute with my certification?

Q. What kind of support can I expect after graduating from the Dharma Coaching Institute with my certification?

You’ll be invited to join our Alumni Network that’s exclusive to graduates of this program. This lets you stay connected with other Certified Dharma Coaches from your current class and Past classes and you will have the opportunity to build deep friendships and a priceless network of supportive peer coaches and entrepreneurs to grow your business that will support you for years to come.

You’ll also be in our insider list for being hired for job opportunities, speaking on our stages, being on our podcasts and more. We are here to support and uplift you!

Q. Will I benefit from this program even if I don’t consider myself a business coach, health coach, or spiritual teacher?

Q. Will I benefit from this program even if I don’t consider myself a business coach, health coach, or spiritual teacher?

Yes. Whether your goal is to take your spiritual business to the next level, or simply just learn how to easily integrate what you learn into your own life – this course is for you. Highest Self Institute at its core is structured to empower others to fully step into their purpose to create a life of abundance, joy, and ease.

Q. Is this training right for me if I'm a teacher?

Q. Is this training right for me if I'm a teacher?

Yes! Some of the best coaches started off as teachers because they are already familiar with patience, empathy, and space-holding. These are the gifts that make someone an amazing coach!

Q. Why are you including business training as part of this program?

Q. Why are you including business training as part of this program?

We provide 2 full months of expert business training so you can actually start and build not just a fulfilling Dharma Coaching practice but also a highly profitable business that generates reliable income for you, month after month.

Our goal is for you to be able to easily make your investment in this program back as soon as possible (though we cannot guarantee this). We’ve seen too many coaches not be able to create an income for themselves as a coach, which holds them back from sharing their magic, which is why we’ve woven in the business training within the curriculum, so you have everything you need to know about sales, marketing, pricing, structuring your program and more to create a one-on-one coaching practice as soon as you graduate.

Know, however, that when you take action and initiative on everything we teach you — the chances of your business being successful are increasingly and significantly higher.

Q. What can I potentially earn as a Dharma Coach?

Q. What can I potentially earn as a Dharma Coach?

While an exact salary is impossible to predict as it depends on many factors such as the coaching rate you decide to set, number of hours spent coaching each week etc… The standard rate our coaches start at is $200 an hour and goes up from there with experience.

We have noticed, though, that the more time, energy, and effort you put into this program — the more benefit you’ll receive in return. We believe it is possible for anyone to have 10k months as a coach and a 6-figure business and we’ve had many students create that reality. We give you the tools – it’s up to you to do the work.

Q. What is your refund policy?

Q. What is your refund policy?

You can sign up for Highest Self Institute absolutely risk-free thanks to our 15-day money-back guarantee, starting on the day the program begins. In other words, you can try this experience for a full 15 days before deciding if it’s right for you. If you feel that it’s not a great fit for whatever reason, just reach out to our customer service team and you’ll get your investment back.

Q. Will I get one-on-one coaching?

Q. Will I get one-on-one coaching?

This is a coaching training program, not a coaching program. This is about educating you to become a coach. If you are looking for one-on-one coaching, we recommend hiring from our directory of Dharma Coaches.

Within the program, you’ll be part of a Coaching Practice Pod led by your Master Coach, who you can always ask questions to. We also have a weekly Q+A and Embodied Practice session with the DCI Founders, where you can also get your questions answered. On top of that, you will gain access to a Library of Resources with over 20+ hours of coaching demos with our Founders and Master Coaches with instructional breakdowns of how they coach. Plus, our group is extremely active in supporting one another throughout the journey. You’re never alone in DCI!

Q. What special guest trainings are included?

Q. What special guest trainings are included?

We have incredible bonus trainings lined up for you from some of the best experts in their fields! Topics will range from Human Design, to Creating Viral Content, to Publicity and Social Media, and so much more! Here’s the full preview list:

16 Special Guest Masterclasses By Power-House Speakers To Help Your Coaching Business Soar Are Included:

Creating Viral Video Content and Shining In Your Personal Brand
Sah D’Simone – Spiritual Revolutionary and Best-Selling Author
Value: $295

Rocking Your Most Authentic Self on Social + Beyond
Gala Darling – Self Love Coach
Value: $295

Utilizing Human Design In Your Soul Purpose Coaching Business
Erin Claire – Human Design Expert
Value: $295

Shadow Work for Coaches
Taylor Simpson – Mentor to Conscious Feminine Leaders
Value: $295

Cultivating Empathy + Listening Skills as a Coach
Rosie Acosta – Inspirational Speaker
Value: $295

Publicity As a Soul Purpose Coach
Selena Soo – Publicity and Marketing Strategist for Experts, Entrepreneurs, and Authors
Value: $295

Powerful Pitching + Nailing Client Discovery Calls
Jenn Kem – Strategic Brand Advisor to Modern Entrepreneurs
Value: $295

Feeling Comfortable Coaching Someone Through Trauma In a 1:1 and Group Facilitation Setting
Emile Steenveld – Emotional Intelligence Leadership Coach and Speaker
Value: $295

Protecting Yourself as a Coach + Crafting Agreements
Legal Adviser Autumn Witt Boyd
Value: $295

Overcoming Money Mindset Blocks As A Coach
Emily Williams – Success Coach, CEO of I Heart My Life, Author, Speaker and Podcast Host
Value: $295

Cultivating Unapologetic Confidence With Your Clients
Vasavi Kumar – Licensed Therapist. Mindset Coach. Business Strategist.
Value: $295

Understanding the Nervous System
Jessica Maguire – Nervous System Expert
Value: $295

Guilt for Coaches
Hailey Magee – Coach and Writer on Setting Boundaries
Value – $295

Total Value $4,720

Q. Is there social media training included?

Q. Is there social media training included?

Yes! Sahara has built her entire business from social media and shares with you everything she has learned from how to create a year’s worth of content in one day, to how to launch a podcast, to how to grow your social media following and beyond. We also provide you with tons of done-for-you graphics. This is her zone of genius so you’re in the right place!

Q. If I don’t know my purpose, how can I help others?

Q. If I don’t know my purpose, how can I help others?

The best way to learn is to teach. Have you ever spent even one month diving into your soul’s purpose, or even an hour? Now imagine six months. Everything you learn in this coaching certification you can apply to yourself. You also receive DOZENS of hours of practice coaching with the other Dharma Coaches, which students have said has been beyond worth the investment in and of itself. Sahara is also including a special bonus of her The 21 Day Dharma Discovery Journey, which is her flagship step-by-step program, designed to guide you into your dharma in just 21 days.

Q. What if I'm already an experienced coach?

Q. What if I'm already an experienced coach?

This course is still for you! Highest Self Institute will take your coaching up a notch and integrate the spiritual/ dharma component! We also have specific practice coaching pods for our experienced coaches to get next-level feedback and support to make your coaching as holistic and integrative as possible!

Q. Is Highest Self Institute ADA compliant and suitable for me if I'm deaf?

Q. Is Dharma Coaching Institute ADA compliant and suitable for me if I'm deaf?

Yes! Highest Self Institute is ADA compliant, and we can support deaf students with an interpreter for any live coaching calls. In fact, we already have two who have graduated (and we are SO proud of them for guiding the way for the deaf community!)

Option for if the entire program is ADA compliant (including course materials)

We have also optimized all course materials for accessibility. Please let our team know if you would like an interpreter for your program.

Q. What does a typical week at Highest Self Institute look like?

Q. What does a typical week at Dharma Coaching Institute look like?

While there really is no typical week (we are like the Hogwarts of Coaching schools), your schedule is consistent! Each week a new module unlocks with that week’s course materials, ranging from coaching fundamentals to the Dharma Frameworks to business training. You’ll then be able to ask questions on the weekly live Q+A and Embodied Practice Call. You’ll then dive deeper into the week’s topic in a smaller group setting in your Coaching Pods with your Master Coach where you’ll practice coaching in breakout groups then come together to discuss your takeaways.

We also have weekly bonus opportunities to practice coaching and dive deeper into specific topics, such as guiding your clients through meditation, with our Master Coaches. You’ll also schedule one-on-one practice coaching sessions with your peers to develop your coaching skills and receive feedback. We have an active Facebook group to receive support from your fellow students. There truly is so much available for you in DCI and we are so excited to have you!

Enroll & Get Started Now :


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Have further questions about becoming a Certified Dharma Coach?
Speak to an experienced consultant for free now!

Flexible Payments

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Your Special Price:

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We've made investing in this certification easier for you. We accept

*Note: Highest Self Institute cannot 100% guarantee that the coaching strategies you learn in this program will generate income for you. We make an extreme effort to share with you all of our strategies, blueprints, and tools so you can apply them to your coaching business. However, it is solely up to you as the individual and business coach to make the income. By enrolling in this course you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.