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A 2-Day immersive workshop for aligned client attraction

The Holistic Blueprint to Manifest Your First 10 Coaching Clients Effortlessly

You’ve got the passion. You’ve got the skills. But let’s face it: without clients, your coaching business is stuck at zero. We’re here to help you change that - fast.

You’ve been through the training, put in the work, and you’ve got your certifications. Congratulations!

Now, you’re standing at the edge of this incredible journey, ready to help others find alignment, purpose, and clarity in their lives. The potential impact you could create is limitless.

But let’s be real for a second…

You know you’re worth more than the rates you’re offering, but you feel like you have to settle just to get someone - anyone - to say yes. It’s a cycle, isn’t it?
You lower your prices hoping it’ll help, but instead, you feel undervalued.
On top of that, you’re buried under the weight of endless marketing strategies that feel hollow, or worse, totally misaligned with your soul.

Sound familiar?

  • You know deep down that you’re meant for so much more than this. You’ve done the deep inner work, gained the skills, and you’re ready to guide others through their transformations.
  • You can feel it-your dharma is calling. But every time you sit down for a discovery call or try to pitch your services, there’s that familiar wave of fear. The fear of being too pushy, too salesy, of fumbling through your words and losing the connection before it even begins.
  • You feel ready - so ready - but there’s this invisible block that keeps you from fully stepping into your power as a coach.
  • You’re caught between feeling prepared and totally unsure how to translate that readiness into real clients who believe in your value. It’s like you’re standing at the doorway of your purpose, but the door just won’t open.
  • And then there’s the undercharging…

    You’ve put so much heart and energy into becoming the coach you know you’re meant to be, but here’s the truth that no one tells you - building a thriving coaching business isn’t just about knowing how to coach, it’s about knowing how to attract the people you’re meant to serve.
    And right now, that feels like the hardest part. No matter how many hours you spend scrolling through Instagram or fine-tuning your website, you’re stuck in this exhausting cycle of trying everything but still struggling to see the results you crave.

    When it comes to landing your first 10 clients, it feels like you’re staring up at a mountain that just keeps getting higher, doesn’t it?

    It’s clear that despite all your efforts, something isn’t aligning.

    Remember the day you got your coaching training?

    You were on fire. You could see the path ahead so clearly—helping people unlock their potential, guiding them back to their highest selves. You were full of excitement and vision.

    This is where so many new coaches get stuck. You’re doing all the “things” - you’ve got the certification, the Instagram account, the networking game.

    But nothing feels like it’s working, and you’re left wondering if maybe this whole dream of being a coach just wasn’t meant for you. But nothing could be further from the truth.

    The universe wouldn’t have planted this desire in you if you weren’t capable of making it a reality.

    You just need a clearer path forward, a way to step into your power and attract the clients who need what you have to offer.

    You posted on Instagram, expecting the inquiries to roll in. But… crickets.
    You went to networking events, trying to make connections, but it all felt awkward, forced, like you were putting on a mask that didn’t fit.
    You tried all the “right” strategies - maybe even invested in a few courses - but still, nothing seemed to stick. The clients didn’t come.

    But then, reality hit like a ton of bricks: “Where are the clients?”

    And know that you’re not alone, love.

    Let’s be real.

    This is part of the journey, and it’s a sign that you’re on the cusp of something big if: 

  • You know you’re meant for more: You’ve done the inner work. You’ve got the tools, the skills, and the soul to guide others into their highest selves. But let’s get real: your DMs are empty, and it feels like no one is truly seeing you. You’re not missing anything in your potential - you just need a clear, aligned strategy to call in the right clients.
  • "Fake it till you make it" isn't your vibe: You’ve tried the advice. You’ve shown up, posted, maybe even tried to “fake it,” but that’s not who you are. You crave authenticity, alignment, and integrity. You want to show up as the real, raw, empowered version of yourself, not some salesy persona.
  • You have that creeping fear: You might secretly wonder if anyone actually wants what you have to offer. Maybe you’ve had moments of self-doubt, questioning if you’re really cut out for this. But babe, let me remind you—that is just fear trying to dim your light. You are so worthy of your clients, and they are out there, waiting for you.
  • Without clients, your coaching dream stays just that - a dream. And we know that’s not what you’re here for. You don’t want to be stuck in this endless cycle of “I’ll figure it out someday.” Your purpose deserves to be lived right now.

    So many new coaches face this exact wall, and it can feel isolating. But know that you are not the only one navigating these growing pains.

    These are the 5 lies that have been holding you back from landing the clients you deserve

    1. The market is too saturated.

    You’ve probably heard this one a thousand times, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of coaches out there.

    But here’s the truth: there’s no such thing as a saturated market for someone who’s genuinely passionate and uniquely aligned with their purpose.

    The real issue isn’t competition; it’s finding your own distinct voice and the courage to let it shine.

    If you’re feeling stuck, remember that your unique blend of skills, experiences, and energy is what will set you apart, not the number of competitors.

    5. You need to sell one-on-one coaching to be successful.

    One-on-one coaching isn’t the only path to success, yet many coaches feel boxed into this model.

    The belief that you must sell high-ticket, one-on-one sessions to be successful can be limiting.

    There are numerous ways to reach and impact clients, including group coaching, workshops, online courses, and digital products. Explore different formats and find what aligns with your strengths and your clients’ needs.

    Success doesn’t come from fitting into a mold; it comes from finding the right approach for you and your clients.

    2. Posting more will get you clients.

    It’s a common misconception that cranking out content in overwhelming quantities will magically attract clients.

    In reality, more posts without strategy or genuine connection can lead to burnout and frustration.

    What truly attracts clients is not just volume but the quality and resonance of your content.

    Instead of focusing on quantity, invest your energy into creating valuable, heartfelt content that speaks directly to the needs and desires of your ideal clients.

    3. You must know your “niche” perfectly before you get clients.

    This myth can be paralyzing. The pressure to define a perfect niche before you even start can leave you feeling stuck and unsure.

    The truth is, your niche will likely evolve as you gain experience and understand your clients better.

    You don’t need to have it all figured out from the beginning. Start where you are, serve the people you’re passionate about, and let your niche naturally unfold as you grow and learn.

    4. You need to run ads and do online marketing to get clients

    The allure of ads and online marketing can be tempting, but they’re not the only route to building a client base.

    While these tools can be useful, they’re not a magic solution.

    Relying solely on ads and marketing strategies without genuine client engagement can lead to disappointment.

    Focus on building authentic relationships, providing value, and creating a strong referral network. Real, lasting connections often come from personal interactions and word-of-mouth, not just online campaigns.

    Your clients are out there, and they need you - right now. Your vision, your message, and your soul work are ready to be shared with the world. Let's make it happen.

    The time is now! 


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    We understand how intimidating it can be to land those first few clients. The self-doubt, the “what ifs” - it’s all part of the process. That’s why we’ve crafted “Your First 10 Clients”, because by focusing on securing your initial 10 clients, you’ll not only build your confidence but also gain the experience you need to shine as a coach.

    You’ll transform your uncertainty into unwavering self-belief and a flourishing practice.

    With each client, you’ll move closer to embodying your true potential and making a profound impact. We’re here to support you every step of the way, so you can step into your dharma as a coach with grace and certainty.

    The real challenge for many new coaches is that they’re often focusing on the wrong things.

    Instead of honing in on what truly matters, they cast a wide net, posting generic content and hoping that clients will just show up.

    But without a clear, strategic approach, you’re essentially spinning your wheels with tactics that don’t lead to real results.

    And the longer you wait, the more overwhelming it becomes…

    With the right strategy and support, you can shift this narrative and start seeing real results.

    Our program is designed to guide you through this challenging phase, helping you build confidence, attract your ideal clients, and step into your coaching journey with renewed clarity and purpose. It’s time to stop doubting and start thriving.

    That’s precisely why “Your First 10 Clients” was created.

    This program offers you a clear and direct pathway from where you are right now to where you want to be.

    Say goodbye to guesswork and overwhelm. Instead, embrace a step-by-step guide filled with actionable strategies to help you secure those first clients and build a thriving, sustainable coaching business. It’s time to turn your vision into reality and step confidently into your role as a coach.

    It’s time to shift your focus. By implementing a targeted strategy, you’ll stop wasting time on methods that don’t work and start attracting clients who are genuinely aligned with your coaching. 

    You start to question your worth as a coach, watching others book clients and wondering, “Why not me?”

    It’s easy to feel like you’re falling behind, especially when you’re burning through savings or, worse, contemplating giving up.

    But it doesn’t have to be this way.


    By the end of this 2-day program, you’ll walk away with:

    Confidence in your client enrollment process – Feel empowered and assured in your approach to enrolling clients, knowing exactly how to communicate your value.

    A steady stream of ideal clients –
    Attract and connect with clients who truly resonate with your work, creating a vibrant and engaged client base.

    Clarity on your niche and messaging – Gain deep insights into your unique niche and craft messaging that speaks directly to those you’re meant to serve.

    A clear strategy to scale your coaching practice – Develop a strategic plan to grow and expand your coaching business, paving the way for long-term success and sustainability.

    Client acquisition blueprint: Dive into a no-nonsense, step-by-step framework designed to help you secure your first 10 clients within weeks. This is your roadmap to success, free from fluff and full of actionable strategies.

    Align with your ideal clients:
    Stop diluting your efforts and start connecting with those who truly resonate with your unique offerings. We’ll help you pinpoint your perfect niche so you can attract and serve clients who are meant for you.

    Proven outreach methods for both online and offline: Neeta, the absolute Queen of offline networking and deep, meaningful connections, and Sahara, the magnetic Goddess of social media marketing, show you exactly how to create authentic relationships that naturally convert into clients. Whether you're building connections in person or online, they’ll walk you through the entire process - even if you consider yourself an introvert. You’ll learn how to tap into your unique energy, effortlessly drawing people in and turning those connections into opportunities.

    Craft irresistible offers: Learn how to package your services in a way that makes clients eager to say “Yes!” Transform your offerings into must-have solutions.

    Networking made easy: Build authentic, genuine connections without the awkwardness or pressure. Master the art of networking in a way that feels natural and empowering.

    Here’s what awaits you inside this program:

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    We understand you may have some concerns:

    “I don’t have a big following.”
    You don’t need a large audience to make a significant impact! We’ll teach you how to attract clients through strategies that don’t depend on social media. Instead, you’ll focus on building genuine connections and demonstrating your value.

    “I’m not good at selling.”
    Forget about the hard sell! You’ll learn how to draw clients in by providing real value and connecting authentically. This method is more about building relationships than making sales pitches.

    “I’ve tried other programs and they didn’t work.”
    This program is different. It’s built on proven strategies that have helped many new coaches find success. Plus, it’s specifically tailored to overcome the unique challenges of landing your first clients, so you can see real results.

    .... I already have 5 clients lined up to Journey with…Working from this space in this way will truly fill my Soul! I could not have made a better decision for myself or investment in myself when I decided to join this Beautiful Community of Souls.

    Cori Hughes

    Amanda Sevilla

    I am now embodying my dharma way more authentically since the beginning of the program…and I’ve already signed up 4 paying clients!

    Natasha Bolvin

     I’ve presented at multiple workshops, at high end retreats, got onstage in front of almost 200 people. I just got back from a PR event for a celebrity owner wellness brand. What a dream! Thank you to everyone at HSI and to Sahara and Neeta for their incredible wisdom and advice. I highly recommend it!

    How our strategies have empowered coaches just like you

    Right now is the perfect time to step into your power as a coach.

    As we approach the end of the year, people are reflecting on their lives, questioning their choices, and searching for deeper meaning.

    This is when society craves transformation, and they need you to guide them through it.

    Think about it—this is the season when people make resolutions, plan for the future, and crave change more than ever.

    As a coach, you have a unique opportunity to step in and help them create the life they’ve always wanted.

    The demand for support, guidance, and true transformation is at an all-time high.

    Don’t wait for the perfect moment, because this is it.

    If you’re serious about making an impact, now is the time to enroll and set yourself up for success as we head into the most transformational time of the year.

    Here’s a recap of everything you get

    Bonus #3: A masterclass on pricing your coaching services to attract high-paying clients
    < Value: $199 >

    Bonus #3: A masterclass on pricing your coaching services to attract high-paying clients

    Learn the strategies for setting your prices in a way that reflects your value and attracts clients who are ready to invest in their transformation.

    Bonus #1: A comprehensive client onboarding kit

    Streamline your process with templates and tools that make onboarding new clients smooth and professional, so you can start your client relationships on the right foot.

    Value: $850


    Total value : $1647

    That’s less than what you’d make from just one new client!

    You’ll receive a straightforward framework to secure your first 10 clients quickly, discover how to focus on your ideal clients, and use proven outreach scripts to build connections. Learn to craft irresistible offers and master networking to build genuine relationships effortlessly.

    Bonus #2: Exclusive workbook on how to create and serve your first few clients

    Get practical insights and actionable steps to successfully onboard and deliver value to your initial clients, setting you up for long-term success.

    When you sign up today, you’ll also get:

    Bonus #1: A comprehensive client onboarding kit
    (Value: $249)

    A comprehensive training on client acquisition.

    Streamline your process with templates and tools that make onboarding new clients smooth and professional, so you can start your client relationships on the right foot.

    Bonus #2: Exclusive workbook on how to create and serve your first few clients
    < Value: $249 >

    Get practical insights and actionable steps to successfully onboard and deliver value to your initial clients, setting you up for long-term success.

    Total investment today: $497

    Learn the strategies for setting your prices in a way that reflects your value and attracts clients who are ready to invest in their transformation.

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    Love it or your money back!

    We’re so confident you’ll love this program that we’re offering a 24-hour money-back guarantee. If the program isn’t a perfect fit for you, simply request a full refund before the end of Day 1. Your satisfaction is our priority!

    This is the only time we’ll be offering this program. Don’t miss your chance to enroll at this exclusive price! 


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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q. How long will it take to get clients?

    Q. How long will it take to get clients?

    Most coaches begin seeing results within 4–6 weeks. The timeframe can vary based on your commitment and the strategies you implement, but this program is designed to help you start landing clients quickly.

    Q. Do I need a website or a big following?

    Q. Do I need a website or a big following?

    No, you don’t need either. We’ll provide you with proven methods to attract and secure clients without relying on a website or a large social media following.

    Q. Is this program right for new coaches?

    Q. Is this program right for new coaches?

    Absolutely! This program is specifically crafted for new coaches who are eager to land their first 10 clients and build a solid foundation for their coaching business.

    Q. What if I’m already working with clients but want to improve my client acquisition?

    Q. What if I’m already working with clients but want to improve my client acquisition?

    While this program is tailored for new coaches, it can also benefit those who want to refine their client acquisition strategies and expand their reach. You’ll gain fresh insights and actionable strategies to enhance your current efforts.

    Q. What kind of support will I receive during the program?

    Q. What kind of support will I receive during the program?

    You’ll have access to live training sessions, interactive Q&A opportunities, and a supportive community where you can ask questions, share experiences, and receive feedback from both the instructors and fellow participants.

    Q. Are there any additional costs beyond the program fee?

    Q. Are there any additional costs beyond the program fee?

    No, there are no hidden fees. The program fee covers all the training materials, resources, and bonuses included. Any additional costs, such as marketing or business expenses, will be up to you, but the program itself is all-inclusive.

    Q. What happens if I need help after the program ends?

    Q. What happens if I need help after the program ends?

    You’ll have access to our community and resources even after the program concludes. If you need further support, there will be options to continue working with us through additional coaching or advanced programs.

    Don’t wait. Your first 10 clients are closer than you think.

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    Meet your trainers

    Dr. Neeta Bhushan is a 5x Award Winning Author & world-renowned emotional health advocate & human connection expert. She’s written multiple best-selling books including her most recent book, That Sucked, Now What endorsed by Jay Shetty, Host of the Top 50 Mental Health Podcast The Brave Table, & CEO of Highest Self Institute. She’s been featured on Forbes, LA Weekly, ABC, NBC, CBS, Grazia, Ok! Magazine, Verve Magazine & Tatler.

    After realizing how trapped she felt running the million-dollar dental practice she built, Neeta embarked on a journey that led her across 45 countries as she researched blending the intersection of human behavior, ancient wisdom, Eastern philosophy, and therapeutic psychology.

    That knowledge, along with other life experiences overcoming multiple adversities, which include being orphaned at a young age, surviving an abusive marriage, and extensive loss, contributed to the powerful message of resilience & connection she shares in her work. Neeta is a mother of two young children, wellness junkie & lover of chai.

    Sahara Rose has been called “a leading voice of the millennial generation into the new paradigm” by Deepak Chopra, who wrote the foreword of her three books. She is the best-selling author of Discover Your Dharma: A Vedic Guide to Finding Your Purpose, which Highest Self Institute is originally based on, Eat Feel Fresh, and The Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda, as well as A Yogic Path Deck + Journal.

    She is the host of the Highest Self Podcast, the #1 spirituality podcast on iTunes with over 30 million downloads and 7,000+ 5-star reviews. She is known for her powerful yet compassionate voice and ability to channel universal wisdom to the masses in an approachable way. She is also the founder of Rose Gold Goddesses, a sacred feminine mystery school.

    A world-renowned expert in Dharma, Ayurveda, and spirituality, Sahara has devoted the last decade of her life and over 20,000 hours of tireless writing, speaking, and teaching to raise the vibration of the planet. She has empowered millions to discover their dharma so they can create conscious abundance, joy, freedom, and purpose in their lives and collectively raise the vibration of the planet.

    Sahara has been featured on world-renowned media channels including the cover of Yoga Journal and within Forbes, Vogue, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and NBC. As a top-ranked speaker, she’s graced the stages of Google, Facebook, and major conferences. Sahara believes in making the spiritual journey fun and relatable, and she brings her humor, wisdom, and joy to Highest Self Institute.

    P.S. You became a coach because you want to create impact. But without clients, that dream stays on hold. Don’t waste another day wondering when the clients will come—take control, and start building your coaching business today. Enroll in Your First 10 Clients and make it happen.

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